Just back from NAHBS 2010 in Richmond, Va. I wasn't intending to attend, but got a last minute offer to go on behalf of the
Rapha Continental squad. I've been a double agent with Rapha going on four years, partnering with them as both a rider and a builder. Check out the site to see what we've been up to, riding and telling stories about it. I'm proud to be part of that great team.
It was a very different experience to be at the show without showing bikes. I had the pleasure of seeing old friends and making some new ones, the satisfaction of being recognized by fans and customers (still a slightly strange feeling to have fans) and the inspiration of seeing many beautiful bicycles from both new and old builders.
Highlights included hanging with the legendary painter
Joe Bell and listening to his stories, meeting Gary Smith from
IF and talking about the business side of things, bellying up with
Don Ferris, and getting to know many other people that I don't see too often much better. I think I may be turning into a bit of a business geek and it was really interesting to pick the brains of all the folks at the show.
I didn't take a ton of pictures. Every time I went to look at bikes I'd run into someone and end up talking with them instead of studying bikes. Here are a few. Click on any pics to go to flickr for a bigger view.
Darrell McColloch

The Portland Mafia and Friends
This was towards the end of the show. We were all tired, drinking and very comfortable around each other by this time. Lots of secrets were spoken...of which you'll never hear
Pretty cool to see these crates unfold. Sacha and the Workshop crew have true vision. I am in awe of what they put together this year.

Spent a bunch of time with Marc DiNucci. He's a true master. Look how consistently thin those lugs are. This is the work of a practiced hand. He told met hat back in the 70s he would build and paint 5 frames a week. Even he doesn't know how he did that.

This is the bike Mark built for the Oregon Manifest. It was unpainted then. Won Best Lugged Bike at NAHBS.

My favorite cross bike at the show. Curtis is awesome.

Nice folks for a bunch of grungy hippies! Seriously, they were very cool. Happy to know them now.

Here's the Banjo Rando Bike. Nice Details.

Mike Zancanato had this impressive cutaway frame. No voids here! He clearly know his stuff. I wish I could see all the builder's bikes like this.

Don had at least 8 different kinds of whiskey behind his "bar". Very generous of him. Thanks Don! anvilbikes.com

Met Marty from geekhouse in person for the first time. He's an a-ok dude. Lives up to the name, for sure. This picture cracks me up.

Richard had all the different jerseys from his teams over the years. Cool to see the evolution that way.

The area of richmond around the convention center is pretty bombed out--a victim of people moving to the 'burbs. However, there is an undercurrent of art and culture as seen by this painting hung on the outside of a vacant storefront.

The Rapha booth was a reflection of the many convenience stores that the Conti team visits as we travel around and do our rides. Cary S-H from Rapha did the design work.
Here's the crate the entire store fit into:

That was a ton of work and a ton of fun.
I'm inspired to push Pereira Cycles ahead. Part of that will be more regular blog postings. They will almost never be this long, but be sure to follow along for what I expect to be weekly updates.
NAHBS will be in Austin, TX next year. I'm planning to be there.